A B O U T media.tribe
media.tribe – media artists collective creating audiovisual, site-specific installations and performances. Visionary approach, constant innovative research allows them to go beyond existing technological boundaries. The program code of media.tribe works is in real time generated. Artists use the principles of minimalism to create a fundamentally new experience for the viewer as deep raw impressions at the level of sensory perception. Works were represented at worldwide.

media.tribe team: Sasha Kojjio, Alisa Davydova, Sasha Medvedev.
19 July 2024 - av perfomance at Outline Festival, Moscow

2024, av performance at INTERVALS festival
2023 personal exhibition at TSEH space, Russia
2023 MIRA festival, Barcelona, Spain
2023 NUR festival, Kazan, Russia
2023 Night of light, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2023 Chongqing International Light Art Festival, China
2023 Teleport, Sidney
2022 Nur festival, Russia
2022 Intervals festival, Russia
2022 Tseh, Russia
2021 Teleport, Hong Kong
2021 Nur festival, Russia
2020 Nigbo exebition, China
2020 Zaz Contest, USA
2020 Pixels fest, Russia
2019 Gamma festival, Russia
2018 Festival of light, Russia